Logistics operations have to handle various business units have various business requirements or standard operating procedures. Sometimes time clashes happen when different operators take the calls to arrange the booking, then operators will call the supplier to re-arrange the time slot. At daily operations, there is no full visibility on the loading bay availability. It requires paperwork order to facilitate the arrangement of resources.
Business Process Management can complete 45% of the redundant tasks in work processes, so employees can focus on higher-value tasks such as analytics, decision making, and problem-solving. Meanwhile, Workflow strategists recognize gaps in business processes and fill them in by automating roles and tasks, thereby giving businesses that smooth running that ensures accountability, accuracy, speed, and productivity.
↑ 92% Compliance
↑ 90% Accuracy
↑ 86% Productivity
↓ 59% Cost
In the past, people handle documents and processes with paper. Paper is not only environmentally-unfriendly, but more importantly ineffective to handle. Countless hours are wasted on writing, passing and filing paper. Therefore, paperless working environment is a huge trend in these few years. While it can save up manual hours to do more important things, it also provides other benefits, like traceability and less human error.
Less paperwork
Better cash flow
Safe integration
What would be the meaning if computers do all the work but humans cannot see the result?
A real-time, mobile-accessible, visualized report that can notify management of the necessary information is of utmost importance for companies in today’s fast-paced environment.
Quick, Clear Understanding of Data
Analysis All Relationships and Patterns
dentify Trends and Act Quickly
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